Graduate at Harvey Norman
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
6.00 AM
Wake up and breakfast.
7.00 AM
My day usually starts with a decent commute through Sydney’s well-known traffic. I try and keep occupied by listening to podcasts or planning what I want to get done once I get to the store.
8.30 AM
I start my day by going through any of the emails that might have come through from suppliers, my Proprietor or customer inquiries. I write down a list of tasks/goals for the day and what I will focus on. I am currently working in the customer service/operations role which gives me the opportunity to focus on the operational side of the business, particularly on how to manage stock, process wages and rosters as well as administrative responsibilities.
10.00 AM
Having responded to relevant emails and completing any urgent tasks, I try and meet with the team. As we are only a small group, catching up one on one is common. Today we chat about an order that needs to be followed up with the supplier, as well as a new range of products that have just been introduced and set up in store.
12.30 PM
One of the most rewarding parts of the job is helping customers and explaining the great range of options within some of our product ranges. I have only recently started within the Bedding category, having completed rotations in Electrical and Furniture, however, I find it can be a great feeling to show our customers different product features and options, in this case showing the different timber stains on an Australian-made bedroom suite.
2.00 PM
After having a quick lunch break, I get started reviewing and analysing the inventory levels and product lines within the Manchester department. This will form part of the development plan to improve my understanding of the business. I will work closely with my Proprietor to create a plan to improve sales, and stock holdings and reduce aged stock in preparation for half-yearly sales. This also gives me the opportunity to work with suppliers, in particular identifying trends, reviewing new products and driving sales.
3.30 PM
After realising that I have spent too much time on the development plan, I quickly get back to my set of tasks that I need to complete. This can be different every day, ranging from developing in store advertising to ordering uniforms or even constructing a bed. Today I get the chance to call a customer to chat about their recent experience after organising a replacement for their bed.
6.00 PM
While I can tick off most of the things on the list, I have plenty of tasks left to do. I try and review what I managed to achieve and what I thought could have been done more efficiently. Despite not getting everything that I wanted to finish completed, one of the most rewarding parts of my job is being able to work on both long and short-term goals, like helping a customer choose their dream bed, and at the same time working toward developing my business skills through a development plan.