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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Zachary Browning

Zachary Browning studied ​a Bachelor of Computer Science ​at the University of New South Wales and is now a Graduate Engineer at Xero.
  • Graduate stories
Everyone is new at some point, and you aren’t expected to always get things right the first time – however, try not to repeat the same mistakes – learn and adapt!

Zachary Drysdale

  • Graduate stories
My grandmother worked for the Department of Justice and I noticed how respected she was by the community. I’m glad I am here continuing that legacy.

Zack, generalist stream, Aboriginal pathway

  • Day in the life

Zaeem Siddiq

Zaeem studied Master of Information Technology at Monash University Australia and is now working as Mobile Applications Developer (Previous reecetech Graduate) at Reece Group.
  • Graduate stories
"Bagiku, minggu pertama bergabung di perusahaan adalah minggu yang krusial, sebab intern akan mulai berkenalan dengan situasi dan kondisi dari pekerjaan itu sendiri"

Zafira Fiona Islami

  • Graduate stories
"Lingkungan kerja yang sangat supportif, kekeluargaan yang sangat kuat, benefit serta fasilitas yang diberikan, serta tupoksi (tugas pokok dan fungsi) yang memang sangat sesuai dengan passion saya."

Zahra Annisa

  • Day in the life

Zahra Annisa

Ikuti keseharian Zahra Annisa yang merupakan Staf Swakelola di Bank Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan. Sebelumnya dia adalah lulusan Universitas Hasanuddin jurusan Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik.
  • Student Stories
After 1 year, I obtained an offer letter from Southern Cross University to study the Masters of Professional Accounting and migrated to Australia.

Zain Ameen