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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Yasmin and Emma

Ever wondered what being part of the IGO Vacation Program really looks like? We asked former program participants, Yasmin and Emma, to share a day in their life as Geology Vacation Students.
  • Day in the life

Yasmin Dowla

I’m enjoying the work and one of my key projects is developing a new program... The aim of this is to provide students with a good experience working in aged care so that they are more likely to return to the sector after they graduate.
  • Day in the life

Yasmin Stewart

Today we get to do something a bit different and do some volunteering! GMHBA has a great volunteering program where we get to spend some time helping at local charities and organisations.
  • Day in the life

Yasmine Gill

Yasmine Gill studied Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws and is a Senior Associate at PwC's Indigenous Consulting (PIC).
  • Graduate stories
If those opportunities pop up, even if you don’t think you’re ready, never turn them down.

Yazmin Macdessi

  • Day in the life

Yelena Nicholson

Anglo American has introduced flexible working hours with the requirement to work 90 hours a fortnight, so I currently work a 9-day fortnight with every second Monday off.
  • Graduate stories
"Di Mayora Development Program ini, kita sudah dibekali dengan beberapa silabus sebelum ke lapangan, jadi, kita sudah tahu nanti kerjanya apa saja, dan apa tujuan yang ingin dicapai di lapangan."

Yelta Okta Dina

  • Graduate stories
My team is supportive and collaborative. It doesn’t matter how many years of experience each member has; we embrace everyone’s perspective and learn as a team.

Yen Fern Heng