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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Victoria Nicole Arcon

See a day in the life in Belo Medical Group as a Human Capital Management Intern!
  • Graduate stories
"Perbanyak pengalaman kalian di Universitas seperti ikut lomba, organisasi, atau kepanitiaan karena hal itu sangat mengasah skill problem solving kita dan akan membantu kita ketika interview suatu pekerjaan"

Victoria Wangsadirja

  • Graduate stories
Coles is very supportive of providing opportunities for team members to move laterally so that they can broaden their knowledge and skills in different areas of the business.

Victoria Xu

  • Graduate stories
Helping disadvantaged people, particularly victims of domestic violence, and being able to reduce even a bit of the burden they are carrying, makes my life meaningful.

Vida Rafiedzadeh Kermani

  • Day in the life


  • Graduate stories
A versatile product engineer at FieldEx, with a passion for continuous learning and problem-solving, shares insights into their role, background, and advice for aspiring professionals.

Vigneshvaaran Varqa A/L Vivegananthan

  • Day in the life

Vigneshvaaran Varqa A/L Vivegananthan

A busy day at work followed by a long commute home, ending with relaxation, socializing, and an attempt at knitting before bedtime.
  • Graduate stories
I love that I am trying to address such an important issue in society today, working with a company that is committed to being part of the solution to climate change.

Vinati Chaudhari