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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories

Tran Nguyen

  • Graduate stories
It was a real career change for me, from an experienced academic to a novice public servant, but I have learned so much and enjoyed both rotations immensely so far.

Tran Tran

  • Graduate stories
What we do has a direct effect on the country. A policy we come up with could change what childcare providers have to do, or how easily they can access information.


  • Graduate stories
Joining the Technology Consulting Department at Integrated Computer Systems allowed me to combine my communication skills with technical knowledge, making it the perfect fit.


  • Graduate stories
What I love most about my job is how much I am learning. Every single day without exception I am gaining new knowledge and practicing my skills.

Travis Hunting

  • Graduate stories
The Graduate program I am part of has been great for giving me a large exposure to many parts of the business.

Trevor Anderson

  • Graduate stories
I studied Commerce and Media at UNSW and outside of work I enjoy rock climbing and finding new places to eat.


  • Graduate stories
My goal for the Intergenerational stream is to adjust our lens, to tear down barriers of age-based assumptions and bring together the different age groups here at Cenitex.

Trishal Peiris