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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Thomas Nguyen

Thomas Nguyen completed a Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathology) at The University of Sydney in 2018 and is now working as a Financial Crime & Forensic Services, Risk Consulting at PwC.
  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my job is to be able to work on continuous improvement projects and really make a difference in our products! The most recent project I worked on was in figuring out how to reduce liquid wastage across our canning line.

Thomas Nguyen

  • Graduate stories
I enjoy getting to know people, learning from them and helping the team to achieve their goals. Providing a fresh set of eyes and asking new questions is highly rewarding, especially where you can directly implement a change that makes a difference.

Thomas Rossen

  • Day in the life

Thomas Underwood

Thomas Underwood studied a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) at The University of Queensland (UQ) and is now a Graduate Engineer at Northrop Grumman Australia
  • Day in the life

Thomas Uwins

Now I have my presentation in one of the project rooms... The presentation went well, and my team also gave feedback on key areas I did well and improvements for next time. Overall, it was a good experience.
  • Graduate stories
As a Graduate Strategy Analyst with TasNetworks, my primary responsibility is to help prepare our key reporting documents.

Thomas Webster

  • Day in the life

Thomas Webster

Thomas Webster graduated Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences) at the University of Bristol and is now a Junior Quant Trader at Tibra Capital.
  • Graduate stories
"Ketika saya bekerja di PwC, saya juga terlibat dalam area hukum Corporate Law. Nah, itu yang menarik buat saya"

Thourow Matthew Nissiel