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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
“Penting untuk mengetahui basic knowledge accounting dan memiliki skill analisa yang baik”

Taqi Muhammad Fatikh

  • Career Mentors
The master’s course didn’t just prepare me for a job after graduating, it also gave me that extra boost of confidence and sensibility which helped me navigate people, expectations and responsibilities..

Tara Seth

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing about my role is when we receive partner reporting (NZNGO reporting on activities we have funded) and I get to read about, and evaluate, the impact our funding is having at a community level.

Tara Willans

  • Day in the life

Tarik Taha

In a nutshell my role is to gather business requirements for upcoming Digital projects through workshops and meetings, and then break these requirements down into specific deliverables that allows the Scrum team to supply these changes and identify the intended business value.
  • Graduate stories
The culture and environment is positive and everyone in our office feels valued for any work that they do.

Tarunjot Singh

  • Day in the life

Tash Snowball-Kui

Commencing my day with coffee and a drive to the Palmerston North office, the dynamic nature of my role keeps me engaged!
  • Day in the life

Tasneem Ghazaly

Once I’ve made a to-do list for the day and checked when my meetings are, I grab my mug and start the day.
  • Day in the life

Tatiana Vanden Houte

I have been a Tax Analyst for almost four months now and I love it, each day is different which makes a single day in the life hard to capture, but I think today gives you a good idea of what it is like. This is going to look a lot like a food blog but there is a lot of interesting work in the details, I promise!