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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Talking directly with families and hearing how their lives have improved as a direct result of CARE’s work is really rewarding.

Takara Morgan

  • Graduate stories
One of the best things about the graduate program at Medibank is that we get handed real projects to not only work on, but also to lead.

Talea Loeskow

  • Day in the life

Talea Loeskow

Talea Loeskow studied a Bachelor of Business Management, Major in Marketing at The University of Queensland in 2017, and is now a Customer and Portfolio Graduate at Medibank.
  • Graduate stories
I've been part of a great cohort of people, made good friends and been given the opportunity for ongoing learning and professional growth both through the formal development program and on-the-job experience.

Talia Wang

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing is that I know there is always someone to talk to and ask for feedback without fear. I have access to a buddy, mentor, People Leader, a talented team of colleagues, and a wonderful graduate cohort. Leidos and the Early Careers team have built an environment that values both your well-being and career growth. I feel so supported in this role.

Talia Zidar

  • Day in the life

Taliah King

Taliah King studied a Bachelor of Arts, specialising in Psychology at Australian National University and is now a Consultant at Nous Group.
  • Graduate stories
I joined the NAB Graduate program in February 2021. I am currently 5 months into my first rotation. I never could have imagined that I would find myself in the world of finance, let alone thoroughly enjoying every aspect of my work.

Talieh Azari

  • Graduate stories
Talita Fifita studied a Bachelor of Laws at AUT and is now an Intern at Bank of New Zealand

Talita Fifita