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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
What I love most about my job is exploring data to solve a problem then testing if the proposed solution(s) would make a difference.

Simon Gardiner

  • Graduate stories
My time at the ANAO has given me exposure to many different areas of government across a variety of different audits.

Simone Adam

  • Graduate stories
The unknown shouldn’t stimulate fear it should suggest opportunity. Working here for the past 6 months has opened opportunities for me. Inside the business, there are many paths to explore and specialise in.

Simone Bray

  • Career Mentors
Simone Bridges is a Partner in the Tax group.

Simone Bridges

  • Who’s Who
I love contributing a new perspective. I ace problem solving by way of thinking creatively.

Simone Briggs

  • Graduate stories
I found my love for events while planning family functions (partly because I might be a bit of a control freak but I also like having plans and love being creative!) For me, putting something together behind the scenes, seeing people react and making experiential memories is worth all the hurdles I jump over

Simone Pakieto

  • Graduate stories
Finding a balance of physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing is critical to success, and doing what makes you happy is a key enabler for this.

Simran Rughani

  • Day in the life

Simran Vasant

When I do conduct a phone call, I always formally introduce myself and ask them how their day is going.