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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Shrilee Duke

Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for one of our Chevron interns? Follow Shirlee, one of our engineering interns around for a day to find out more!
  • Graduate stories
Internships are a must, even if you don’t know which field you want to get into, exploring different opportunities is essential.

Shruti Gadodia

  • Graduate stories
Be interested in all the opportunities FTI has to offer. There are so many personal and professional learning and development avenues. And be yourself!

Shruti Santani

  • Graduate stories
For the first-year and second-year students' if an internship isn't that rewarding it's understandable but the aim should be to make it rewarding for yourself in terms of experience and learning.

Shubhangi Goel

  • Graduate stories
Our designed telecommunication networks ensure uninterrupted communication between our field equipment and the Network Control Centre, fostering reliable electricity supply and rapid response to any arising issues.

Shuoyu (Peter) Yin

  • Graduate stories
Everything happens for a reason - don’t be afraid to change directions, you’ll end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Sian Hardie

  • Day in the life

Sian Hardie

We have a weekly team meeting to discuss any announcements from the senior leadership and discuss any problems or improvements encountered in the week.
  • Day in the life

Sibaunne Scott

Sibaunne Scott completed a Bachelor of Science from Edith Cowan University and a Bachelor of Laws from La Trobe University in 2018 and is now working as a Lawyer at Attorney-General's Department (AGD).