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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Sam Pate

I really appreciate the flexibility we have as it allows me to have a good work-life balance and have time to do the activities I enjoy.
  • Career Mentors
I am interested in social policy and in particular, education policy. I’m passionate about making sure that all Australian students receive a high-quality education – regardless of their background.

Sam Shipley

  • Graduate stories
Whilst everyday presents its challenges, I genuinely feel as though I am learning each day.

Sam Summerfield

  • Graduate stories
My top tip for anyone applying for EngageTech would be to get involved with everything you can.

Sam Toohey

  • Day in the life

Sam Toohey

Next, we’ll jump into our huddles, which will help to motivate and encourage each other to reach our daily goals. Soon after, we’ll book our first meeting of the day and receive a personal shout out and thumbs up emoji on Slack from everybody in the team.
  • Graduate stories
Being involved in important trade agreements and seeing the nuances of different countries engaging together and working towards the same goal is really special and exciting, and not something you will get to experience in all jobs.

Sam Wickens-Murray

  • Graduate stories
The connections you make, structured learning and on the job development make for a thoughtful and rewarding graduate program.

Sam Wilson

  • Graduate stories
My first rotation in the bid team was predetermined and chosen for me. However, we provide input on which part of the business we would like to work in.

Sam Zanetti