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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Walk the path less travelled. Careers that aren’t popular can be less competitive, and fun and engaging. There is so much depth and breadth of work available.

Rohan Patel

  • Graduate stories
Life at Microsoft is no less than a lifetime experience and all things people mention about Microsoft online are real.

Rohan Prasad

  • Day in the life

Rolly Bugarin

I discuss the project timeline with our suppliers so they know what we’re doing to make sure the report is delivered on time and we review findings from the week before and how we can address them.
  • Graduate stories
"Recruitment is the easiest way to describe my role at Canva. Our founders, Mel, Cam, and Cliff, always have this saying: "It takes a village to raise a child," but it also takes a village to build Canva. My job is to build the village"

Romeo Romero

  • Student Stories
Romero was well-prepped by the Careers & Employment team.


  • Graduate stories
Stay true to yourself—don’t pursue ‘that’ career just to fulfil everyone else’s expectations. Besides, you’re the one that has to live your life so may as well make it interesting for yourself.

Ron Arellano

  • Graduate stories
I was most proud of the improvement in my legal skills in such a short period of time.

Ronan Maddox

  • Graduate stories
The first piece of advice would be not to neglect your academic score and be super active in college societies and events.

Ronit Bala