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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The opportunity to work for one of the largest retailers in Australia and ultimately be involved in making legal decisions that would affect the company’s overall business decisions, relationship with stakeholders and reputation, was an invaluable opportunity that appealed to me.

Robert Natenzon

  • Graduate stories
I love that I have the autonomy to focus on problems that I will have the most impact on.

Robert Newey

  • Graduate stories
The opportunity to continuously learn new technical skills to assist in solving problems is what I love the most about being an engineer.

Robert Oates

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about being a Quality Engineer is the opportunity to learn different things and work with different departments to solve problems.

Robet Fransiska Muhammad Al Amin

  • Graduate stories
I work on is in the healthcare industry and it literally plays a role in saving people’s lives. Things like this make my job beyond satisfying and rewarding, I love it.

Rodney Coulits

  • Graduate stories
I am just a fresh graduate with an entry-level position, I have been given the opportunity to present my findings and plans to the upper management committee.

Rogelle Netasha Lao

  • Graduate stories
I love the opportunity to learn more everyday in addition to applying my knowledge straight away. The tasks which I enjoy the most usually involve coding or creating a solution.

Roger Mao

  • Graduate stories
The Graduate Program has really set me up to succeed in my current role. Understanding the whole business and how it all hangs together, as well as meeting and learning from numerous people, each with their own range of expertise, continues to pay dividends in my role in IT to this day.

Roger McEwan