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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
A great part of working at Coles is that you have the unique opportunity of positively impacting the lives of millions of Australians.

Ricky Kelf

  • Graduate stories

Ricky Paras

  • Graduate stories

Ricky Ratnayake

  • Day in the life

Ricky Su

This morning, I had the amazing opportunity to join the Energy Networks and Renewables (EN&R) Roadshow and meet some great people in the field of Ventia.
  • Graduate stories
Study something you actually enjoy and you can see yourself doing for the long haul.

Rifhad Mahbub

  • Graduate stories
Get involved in absolutely everything that you can on campus – becoming a bit of a yes-person infinitely benefitted my journey through uni.

Rifka Samsudeen

  • Day in the life

Rifka Samsudeen

After lunch, we all head back to the office and got to work! As I mentioned earlier, Wednesday afternoons are meeting-free so you can really push out a bunch of work. For me this week, it was all about progressing some new product artworks that we’ve been working through.
  • Day in the life

Riley Devereaux

Riley Devereaux studied Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and a Customer Engagement Consultant at Capgemini Australia.