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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Statistics is all about quantifying the real world. The stories in our data are the stories of New Zealand.

Rhys Morgan

  • Day in the life

Ria Nerlikar

Ria Nerlikar studied a Bachelor of Medical Science and International Security Studies at Australian National University and is now a Graduate Consultant at Nous Group.
  • Day in the life


  • Graduate stories
Getting high GPA is just a bonus. Focus on the learnings. Don’t stick to just knowing the concepts. Practical application like case studies would help a lot.

Rica Mae A. Diwa

  • Day in the life

Ricardo Santos

Ricardo Santos graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in 2015 and is now a data analytics consultant at The Data School.
  • Day in the life

Richard Barsha

Recently we had a new intern join the team, as part of onboarding we do some pair programming - I found pair programming invaluable when I started my graduate program and it's something we do often.
  • Graduate stories
People are proactive, and always willing to help you out or explain things to you. I don’t think there’s been a single day so far where I haven’t learnt something new.

Richard Huang

  • Graduate stories
The grad program will not only develop you to become more confident, knowledgeable and give you rare experiences but will define your character and personal brand.

Richard Lack