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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Bring revolutionary innovation & ideas that make a tremendous impact on the growth of the company.

Rakesh Raju

  • Day in the life

Ralph Folk

Ralph studied a Certificate III in Individual Support (Aging, Home and Community) with TAFE NSW, and is currently working with South Eastern Community Connect as an Aged Care Worker.
  • Graduate stories
“Jangan takut untuk mencoba hal baru, jangan khawatir dan trust the process"

Ramanitya Indra Nurindah

  • Day in the life

Ramon Quitales

Ramon Quitales graduated with a Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at the Victoria University of Wellington in 2019, and is now a Graduate Analyst at The Treasury.
  • Graduate stories
"Nutrifood termasuk perusahaan yang mengutamakan kolaborasi baik secara internal atau pun eksternal, ini merupakan hal yang sangat menarik untuk saya"

Randy Rentanaka

  • Graduate stories
"Selama menjadi intern, belajarlah sebanyak-banyaknya. Just do your best, and let God do the rest"

Ratu Aliffa Berliana

  • Day in the life

Raya Tasnim

Raya Tasnim studied Bachelor of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and Bachelor of Materials Science at the University of New South Wales and is now a Graduate at ANSTO.
  • Graduate stories

Raymond Chiu