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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
"Dengan menjadi MT di Samator, aku punya banyak teman dari berbagai latar, suku, dan agama, jadi sangat beragam dan kita bisa saling belajar"

Rahmawati Istianing Rahayu

  • Graduate stories
My specialization is cyber defense, I enjoy the challenge of learning about a new business and implementing controls to combat hackers.

Rahui Muka Brownlee

  • Graduate stories
As a piece of advice, I would just like to mention that the students should study hard and be determined to avail an internship of their own choice. Their primary focus during the internship should be on the experience they are about to gain and not on the stipend that they will be receiving. 

Rahul Jaideoka

  • Day in the life

Rahul Kadam

Rahul Kadam graduated with a Masters in IT and Systems and is now a Service Now Administrator, Shared Services, Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate at ACT Public Service.
  • Graduate stories
The most important qualities that will be useful as a graduate are teamwork, can-do attitude, openness to learning, passion to engage in the community, and a big smile on the face is important to succeed.

Rahul Kadam

  • Day in the life

Rahul Thapa

Rahul Thapa studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sydney and is now a Graduate Engineer at Austal Australia.
  • Career Mentors
Clarity comes from movement. Take action towards your goals, especially if you’re uncertain because it’s through experiences that you’ll learn more about yourself and what you have to offer.

Raihanaty Abdul-Jalil

  • Day in the life

Rajneel Deo

Today we are test fitting and installing these things that are called jack moons into our shelters. These little plugs are installed to seal the holes so that no water can enter when wires are not being run through into the shelter.