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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Rachel Tan

I have weekly catch-ups with this colleague where we generally go through topics/material of my choice.
  • Graduate stories
One of the coolest aspects of my job is the never-ending stream of challenges and learning opportunities.

Rachelle Anne Manahan

  • Graduate stories
"Yang paling suka dari bekerja di Otsuka adalah dari segi work-life balance nya yang sangat imbang"

Radita Nur Ilmah

  • Graduate stories
"Saya benar-benar merasakan kehidupan profesional dan lebih mengenal industri ini secara umum ketika bekerja di Kraft Heinz"

Radryan Andrayukti

  • Day in the life

Raeph Mason

The great thing about working at Rheinmetall as a mechanical engineer is you can only learn so much from a CAD model... you can always get a firsthand look at the vehicles you are working on.
  • Graduate stories
You have to be passionate. Technology gives you a platform to reach people and change lives. You must stay interested.

Rafa Sgaraglia Manna

  • Graduate stories
I love my job because I get to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. It hones my communication skills as I adapt to different ways of speaking and interacting.

Rafael John Pabustan

  • Graduate stories
Given that Emma upholds a non-hierarchical and team-centric structure, one fascinating aspect of my role is that I get to have the opportunity to coordinate, collaborate, and brainstorm with all Emmies across all development levels, ranging from the CEO to my fellow interns.

Raffy Mariano