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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I found that the transport company I was working at was very interesting because while I was researching and collecting data, there was some interesting data about how transport works and new ways to deal with transport in general.

Poreia Millad

  • Day in the life

Portia Kyros

For the past year, I have been working on dynamic simulation projects. I work closely with my supervisor and principal engineers, who provide guidance and support as needed.
  • Day in the life


Effectively communicating parliamentary processes and systems to the rest of the department is crucial to the work that we do in facilitating the coordination of parliamentary material.
  • Graduate stories
I wear many hats in the grad program. Sometimes one of an analyst, an account manager, a business owner, also being a customer to other companies.

Pragati Ganapathy

  • Graduate stories
I would say that if someone is currently doing graduation and has little or no experience, they should not hesitate to grab unpaid internships. When you gain more experience, money and paid internships will gradually come to you.

Pragun Kaushal

  • Day in the life

Pragya Gupta

Pragya Gupta studied a bachelor of engineering (B.E. Hon), Naval Architecture, and is now a Graduate Naval Architect at Austal Australia.
  • Graduate stories
Students should definitely take up internships. They should grab the opportunity to work in any organization, gain exposure and develop the necessary skills. The experience that we build over the years helps us in getting a better job profile.

Prakhar Chaturvedi

  • Graduate stories
"Setiap saat situasi dan kondisi bisa berubah. Karena itu, hal ini sangat melatih diri saya untuk bisa berpikir dan melihat masalah dari angle yang lain"

Prameswari Biyanti S.