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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Cognizant has been able to support me through programs such as a hackathon where I have been able to interact with people I would not normally and expand my knowledge and experience even more.

Pavle Spasic

  • Graduate stories
I am currently running my own project that’s related to our ECOFIT modernisation workshop in Brisbane where I am tasked with executing a customer event.

Pavneet Girn

  • Graduate stories

Pawel Uchman

  • Graduate stories
Pei Guo studied Mechanical Engineering but while completing an internship, he found a new passion in commodities trading. In just four years he’s gone from Intern to Manager in Macquarie’s Agricultural Commodities Trading team.

Pei Guo

  • Graduate stories
The workshops have been very insightful, and the changing rotations allow us to experience IAG through a number of different lenses.

Penina Iosefa

  • Graduate stories
I’ve had a really great experience in the program and have been well supported on the disability front from the very beginning of the application process all the way through.

Percy, generalist stream, disability pathway

  • Graduate stories
I applied for the Westpac Group Graduate program because I believed that it would provide me with an opportunity for mentorship and training.


  • Graduate stories
I love the problem-solving aspect of my job. Customers will bring me a problem or issue they have and then it is my job to find one or many solutions and then present these to the customer.

Peter Argiropoulos