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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Career Mentors

Noel Chin

  • Graduate stories
"Tiap pekan disini juga biasa diadakan training self development atau sharing bersama tim lain sebagai refreshment untuk setiap karyawan yang menurutku ini salah satu hal yang kusukai "

Nofath Zukhrufi

  • Career Mentors
Climbing mountains is a metaphor that when you set your eyes on the end goal, you direct your whole energy and focus towards achieving that goal.

Noor Hafizah Ismail

  • Day in the life

Noor Naddour

I am genuinely inspired by the fact that my organisation has highly reputable and respected professionals who care about our infrastructure's sustainability.
  • Day in the life

Nooragha Sharifi

  • Graduate stories
Working for this company helped me to find out the interesting parts of being an electrical engineer. 

Nooshin Tafazzoli

  • Day in the life

Nooshin Tafazzoli

Nooshin Tafazzoli studied ​for a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering/Master of Engineering Design ​at the University Putra Malaysia and is now a Graduate Electrical Engineer at Aristocrat Technologies.
  • Graduate stories
I am one of the consulting analysts. We provide on-site services to clients for a 6-month period in the visualisation, design or analysis of their data.

Nora-ann Weststrate