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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Be yourself and be true to yourself.

Nikora Hemana

  • Graduate stories
I want to create a positive impact on the world, and the buildings team gives me the most practical way of achieving this.

Nila Govindaraju

  • Day in the life


After lunch I return to work. On the days I’m in the office I make the most of my trip and pop into the labs with my line manager to get a look at some of the components I’m working on.
  • Day in the life


Nina studied Bachelor of Science majoring in Data Science at Curtin University and is now a graduate product analyst at Atlassian.
  • Day in the life

Nina Purves

Everyone in our office is competing for “The Johnstaff Cup”, where we participate in activities like quiz nights, escape rooms and bowling, in an effort to win the coveted “Johnstaff Cup” at the end of year Christmas party.
  • Graduate stories
Pursuing higher education while working seems impossible for most people, but that doesn’t apply to Niki! She’s currently a student finishing her master’s degree while also being a full-time employee at Eterna Indonesia.

Niq'q Jean Carol

  • Graduate stories
"Cobalah untuk berorganisasi dan bersosialisasi ketika masa sekolah/kuliah, Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, organsisasi banyak melatih kemampuan saya untuk managing people dan waktu"

Nisa Afifah Hajrah

  • Day in the life

Nisha Nijhar

Nisha Nijhar studied a aster of Engineering (Mechanical Systems) and is a Mining Equipment Maintenance (MEM) Reliability Engineer at BHP.