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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Negar Kamyar

Negar Kamyar studied User Experience Design Immersive and is now a Graduate User Experience Designer at Honeywell.
  • Day in the life

Nehang Patel

Nehang Patel studied a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Auckland and is now a Consulting Development Analyst at Accenture.
  • Graduate stories
“Working culture disini sangat supportif, kerja sama antar divisi dengan divisi lainnya sangat baik.”

Nehemia Azarya Theodorick

  • Day in the life

Neil Andrew Juliano

I am tasked with the program flow of the new movie announcement. Here is me following up with my teammates for the confirmed guests and finalizing details on the script.
  • Graduate stories
"Bagi seorang MT, dorongan untuk dapat memenuhi ekspektasi orang lain itu akan selalu ada, tapi yang perlu diingat adalah jangan menjadi “Yes Man” karena kita tidak mungkin memuaskan semua orang"

Neisya Isni Belqisti

  • Graduate stories
This is my final rotation and I’ve really enjoyed the exposure to different business units and the opportunity to gain a holistic understanding of the whole of Visy.

Nella Agh

  • Graduate stories
Since the start of my rotation I haven’t had a single day that has been the same – which is what makes work so exciting.

Nellie Gao

  • Career Mentors

Nelly Ah-Kang