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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I understand the significance of the tasks I am working on and how they contribute to the bigger picture.


  • Day in the life

Natasha Bosman

Follow Natasha Bosman's day in the life as a Junior Software Engineer, as she moves from Sydney to Brisbane to work with one of our major energy clients.
  • Graduate stories
I am the internal advocate of my customer’s needs and business priorities. I help them realise the value of technology based on their vision and requirements.

Natasha Irani

  • Graduate stories
There is no set formula for the ‘perfect' employee. Clyde & Co looks for people who offer something new rather than homogeny. To be successful at Clyde & Co, you don’t need to know everything, but be adaptable and willing to learn.

Natasha Krikorian

  • Graduate stories
The brilliant thing about consulting is that your previous studies do not need to relate to the role you want to pursue.

Natasha Lay

  • Graduate stories
“Kita harus memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk belajar hal-hal baru”

Natasha Mulyawan

  • Graduate stories
Go on exchange – you’ll never get this opportunity again in your life and you’ll develop valuable skills that you won’t develop in any other environment

Natasha Ricardo

  • Graduate stories
"Sehebat apapun, sepintar apapun, dan sebanyak apapun pengalamannya, tidak ada jaminan kita bisa langsung diterima di perusahaan tujuan"

Natasya Brigitta