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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
“Ketahui dulu passion dan skill kamu serta perbanyak cari informasi”

Nabilla Dardiani Utami

  • Graduate stories
"Work life balance juga terjaga karena di telkom itu gak kerja melulu, kadang ada event juga, ada acara gathering, dan kegiatan hiburan lainnya"

Nabilla Valda Safiera

  • Day in the life


Nader Madi graduated with a Master of Engineering (Electronic) from The University of Adelaide in 2016 and is now a Graduate Information, Communication and Technology Engineer at BAE Systems Australia.
  • Day in the life

Nadia Argiro

Nadia is studying Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Finance and Management) at The University of Melbourne and is a Human Resources Intern at L'Oréal Australia
  • Graduate stories
I’ve landed in an amazing team that has given me great development opportunities; because of this I’m now responsible for delivering a body of work within my project.

Nadia Gottschalk

  • Graduate stories
“Walaupun menjadi teller terkesan monoton namun dengan banyaknya bertemu orang bisa membuat kita secara tidak sadar berkembang”

Nadia Michele Priadi

  • Graduate stories
"Selalu utamakan good attitude dimanapun kalian berada. Karena sepintar dan sebagus apapun skill kalian, tapi kalau attitudenya kurang, maka biasa orang-orang sekitar suka malas berinteraksi dengan kita"

Nadia Putri Salsabila

  • Day in the life

Nadia Sarunic

Nadia Sarunic studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronic) (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the University of Adelaide