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Monash Business School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
There almost isn’t a typical day which is one of the best aspects of my job. My role also gives me exposure to different areas of the business, which I enjoy.


  • Day in the life

Mathew Vo

Mathew Vo is an Infrastructure Engineer in Observability at Canva.
  • Graduate stories
Reach out to people working in the fields you are interested in to get advice (we don’t bite!)

Matilda Price

  • Graduate stories
The across-the-board culture of positive communication was constantly evident. Throughout the process, the next steps and timelines were conveyed quickly. I always had the impression that my time and effort were respected.

Matilda Shaw

  • Graduate stories
I like the people who I’m surrounded with – both the culture and the excellence. Being surrounded by like-minded people who are all very analytically talented, makes for a lot of interesting discussions during the day.

Matt Boys

  • Day in the life

Matt Burgess

Showered, shaved and suited up for the morning disclosure dump from the ASX. I quickly check in with my colleague Tim on anything pressing for the Australian markets. Then it’s a quick chat with peers in New York to get the scuttlebutt on Wall Street and a chat with my editor in Tokyo as we gear up for the start of trading.
  • Graduate stories
When you find an organisation with a culture that resonates with your own values, that’s a special thing.

Matt Copland

  • Day in the life

Matt Jones

Before I head back up to the surface, I survey a few more headings, check the alignment of a Rhino drill rig, scan a rhino hole drilled by that rig, and mark up a few designs sent by engineers and geologists that morning.