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Pitcher Partners

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Hayden Taylor

Analyst in Consulting at Pitcher Partners

Bachelor of Business Information Systems at Monash University

7.20 AM

My alarm chimes a gentle jingle and the day begins. First I might activate the snooze feature to enjoy another 10 minutes of sleep.

7.30 AM

Finally, rise from my slumber. I now begin the mad rush to get ready which includes yoghurt consumption and of course a stern brush of my pearly whites.

7.50 AM

The journey to the train station begins, do I drive or do I walk…think I’ll drive this morning

8.09 AM

Board the train and attempt to secure a position not entirely uncomfortable. I tend to pass the time on this journey by enjoying music and an endless scroll of Facebook.

8.30 AM

Early to work…standard me.

As a graduate, you experience a wide variety of service lines and client projects. No project is ever the same allowing you to grow and develop every day you work. The firm encourages you to get involved in projects as soon as you start. Personally, I have worked on over 30 projects for the past 12 months. Currently, I am working on a project for a medical company looking to purchase new Enterprise Resource Planning software.

Pitcher Partners Hayden Taylor arriving at the office

10.00 AM

We speak to the key stakeholders and decision makers. As a graduate you are not expected to lead most client meetings but you are expected to contribute and ensure all essential topics are covered.

11.00 AM

They were even nice enough to take us on a little tour of the labs this morning!

Pitcher Partners Hayden Taylor morning lab with a colleague

12.00 PM

We begin the drive back to the office, it provides a great opportunity to chat with your colleagues and learn more about other projects they are involved with.

12.30 PM

Finally time for lunch. Quite a special lunch today, the managing partners of the group have put on a lunch for us graduates. Every month or so the partners invite us to lunch to check in and see how we are going. It provides a great outlet to communicate any concerns or challenges you experience throughout the program.

1.30 PM

Time to start putting together some of the essential documentation for the client we visited earlier today. This involved preparing four separate documents clearly articulating what the client needs from a new system. This is a challenging process, but I am lucky we have such a diverse team always happy to help when required.

Pitcher Partners Hayden Taylor preparing a document

3.00 PM

I have been working very hard today. Luckily a few in the office feel the same so it is time to grab a coffee.

Pitcher Partners Hayden Taylor grabbing coffee

4.00 PM

A new system is about to be launched to help us book our desks each day and meeting rooms as required. Today we have training to learn about how it works and how best to utilise its features.

Pitcher Partners Hayden Taylor team training

5.15 PM

Time to finish up for the day, luckily the office is a short 5 minute walk from the train station.

6.00 PM

Home by 6pm, living the dream. Time to cook dinner for some hungry housemates. Wish I could cook something other than pasta!

7.00 PM

A delicious meal after a good hard day of work, that feels nice. Maybe it is time to see what is on TV.

7.30 PM

Married at First Sight, thank you for this show.

8.30 PM

PlayStation also provides me with great relaxation after a day of work.

10.30 PM

Alright that is enough fun for one day. Time to iron my shirt and hit the hay.