Updating Results

NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Culture at NZ Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi

8.5 rating for Culture, based on 13 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Everyone in the office is friendly and keen for a chat. I've felt very welcome even being one of the younger staff in the office.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Dec 2022
Supportive and collaborative in the office. People are friendly and happy to stop and chat. The hierarchy feels very flat, you can approach senior colleagues easily. The lunch room is busy during lunch and we socialise together outside of work eg Friday drinks
Graduate, Auckland - 18 Oct 2022
Good socialising with grads. As much socialising as you want really
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Oct 2022
Really great people, super flexible with when/where you work.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Oct 2022
In the work place, I am more of a friend to my hosting manager and our team leader, while in charge it is not a formal setting. Everyone is quite friendly to be honest, it's nice. (:
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Apr 2022
The hours are very flexible and the managers understand that unexpected things may pop up so taking leave is not much of a problem. Waka Kotahi has supplied working from home kits so we can work in the office or at home when we feel like it. There doesn't feel like a hierarchy is in place and, although I know who my managers are, I feel comfortable to ask anyone in my team for help and know I will get the right support.
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Everyone is super friendly in the office and during after work drinks/events. In the office, the hierarchy feels very flat, and senior leaders are approachable and happy to help when they can. People are really willing to pitch in and help each other out - the teams are super hard-working and a lot of them appear to be at capacity in terms of work.
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Apr 2022
Good socialising - drinks, morning teas etc. There is a flexible culture. As long as the work gets done, you can work flexible hours
Graduate, Wellington - 22 Mar 2022
As a huge organisation, it really depends on which teams you are in. The two teams I was in are both very good and collaborative.
Graduate, Auckland - 22 Mar 2022
it is easy to get along with everyone. no matter what their job title. To make improvements and initiatives working together is the most important factor.
Midlevel, Auckland - 14 Mar 2022
Due to covid (it's hard) but will improve slowly
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Jan 2022