I think there is a clear path set forward to being promoted and details on how long each will take and the requirements to be promoted have been shared with us, so we have a good idea of our next steps and what we should be working on to be promoted.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Graduate, Auckland - 05 Sep 2024
Unsure yet.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
After finishing the graduate program, you're a get promoted to consultant/engineer
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Sep 2024
Quite slow promotion progress even if someone were to perform very well and exceed expectations
Graduate, Kuala Lumpur - 05 Sep 2024
There are appraisals. Aside from that, I'm uncertain of specific promotion opportunities that it takes to move up the ranks of the company.
Graduate, Adelaide - 07 Aug 2024
It appears impossible to progress quickly through the grad program. We have some grads who have presented at conferences, or who run small projects almost alone, or become invaluable to teams outside their own offices - but the progression is set for the first three years (though not in writing)
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
Arup has 9 grades, I am currently grade 2 and will be grade 3 by the end of fhe grad program. As an engineer I have a substantial amount of career progression ahead
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2024
We have our first appraisal in November, 9 months after starting working. I have been told nothing about this in the grad program and only learnt about it through a mentor I sought out. I believe that as a grad I have no opportunities for advancement until I complete the program. I have heard that global mobility - the group allowing employees to work on short or long term assignments in different offices are notoriously difficult to work with and unsupportive which is unfortunate given how many people would like the opportunity to travel and with how highly the experience is valued by leadership.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2024
It takes developing your skills
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Jul 2024
I am concerned for promotion/pay rise opportunities at my company. Thankfully, I am an outgoing person who wont sit back and go with the flow, so I will be outwardly working to prove my worth to the team, such that the HR department can give me an acceptable pay rise equivalent to not only my efforts but also to the market-value of my position. I will have to work more to get the same amount of pay as people I know at the same career stage in the same industry
Graduate, Brisbane - 15 Jul 2024
Grad program is a bit too rigid in making advisory grads go through the full 18 month program with no earlier opportunity for progression. This is noted as a limitation by management
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
You are promoted to each level pretty quickly in first three years then it slightly stagnates at grade 6
Graduate, Perth - 31 Oct 2023
Once I finish the grad program next year I will be promoted, other than that, increasing technical proficiency (working towards getting chartered), gaining wider experience (working overseas) and moving into management seem to lead to promotions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
They have an appraisal system to get yearly and mid-yearly performance feedback and plan progression.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Dec 2022
There is an obvious career path through the different levels within Arup, and the promotion/progression process is clearly communicated and easy to understand. They are also very open and receptive to any questions/criticism regarding this process.
Midlevel, Sydney - 13 Dec 2022
promotion structure is too rigid and does not reward individual high performers fixed minimum terms at specific grade are pointless
Midlevel, Melbourne - 13 Dec 2022
Arup allows all team to progress anywhere within the company they feel most comfortable, this can even be into areas not covered by your degree if you demonstrate your learnt knowledge is satisfactory to complete the role. Within a team there is an emphasis to always do what makes you happy and managers regularly check in to make sure this is maintained. If it is that you are unhappy they will plan a way for team to progress out of their role and into a role they are more interested in.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Dec 2022
I have heard it can be difficult to achieve promotions onto higher grades as Arup's promotion system is rigid in its timing and the requirements to move up to higher grades is extensive.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Dec 2022