Business Systems Analyst at AMP
Bachelor of Commerce at Macquarie University
7.00 AM
If I’m feeling energetic enough, I go for a walk to wake myself up before catching the train into the city with my roommate. If I’m lucky and my sister is in the city, we grab a coffee and then I make my way to the office.
8.00 AM
My day usually starts with an email check to run through anything I missed overnight or from earlier in the morning. Because of the nature of my team sometimes changes go in later in the evening so I may miss later emails. This allows me to wrap my head around the status of all our cases and any updates that may have happened overnight.
10.00 AM
Because we have multiple cases being monitored, if I have no meetings, I use the morning to go through the cases and check if any of our pages or REM tasks need updating. Depending on the day, my supervisor and I will call to go through any new cases or data that has been assigned to us to look through and analyse. When we go through busy periods, I often find that my mornings are filled with meetings for different cases to discuss their progress and the step that they are up to.
12.00 AM
There are often other grads in the office so lunch is the social time! We will usually go and get some food and bring it back to sit on level 21, but if the sun is out and it's warm we might consider staying outside. However, it’s way too cold for that at the moment so inside it is!
1.30 PM
Similar to the morning, I use the afternoon to monitor the progress of our cases. Recently if it is quiet and I’ve completed all my tasks, I will use my afternoon to complete some LinkedIn learning to teach me some new skills. Currently, I am focusing on learning the SQL language and how to use it! The afternoon can also involve meetings and chats with my supervisor depending on what emails we have received throughout the day. And if it is a Friday, I get to catch up with my buddy Arpita from the 2021 graduate cohort!
5.00 PM
Coming to the end of the day I will finish up my LinkedIn Learning for the afternoon and go through our GRC cases to check everything is up to date. I will do one last check of my emails to ensure that I have not missed anything, and then I log off for the day!
7.00 PM
If there are other grads in the office, we sometimes use our evening to go and get dinner and a drink and spend some time in our beautiful city!