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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Christina Tran

Legal Graduate at AMP

Bachelor of Laws at University of New South Wales (UNSW)

If I have any questions, I call the relevant person in my team or the stakeholder with who I am dealing so that I can fully understand the nature of the transaction.

7.00 AM

Working from home means that I don’t have to wake up as early in the mornings to get to work as ‘the office’ for me is in the next room! I do however still like to give myself some time to get ready before I log on, go for a walk or run and eat some brekky.

8.00 AM

Depending on what time my first meeting is, I log on and check my emails and prepare for any meetings that morning. I then write up a rough to-do list for the day, based on the emails I receive, and what projects I am currently working on. This can change if more urgent tasks come through that have a tight turnaround.

9.00 AM

Usually, I’ll have a catch-up call scheduled with my manager or a call with someone in my team who I am currently working on some tasks. While AMP really encourages flexible working hours for everyone, I find that my team prefers to have these meetings in the morning so that we can discuss any issues that may arise, and resolve them as soon as possible throughout the day. In the catch-ups with my manager, we discuss how I am progressing professionally and the challenges that I am facing in terms of both technical and soft skills. Given that we have been in lockdown for the past few months, we also check in on each other and talk about new activities we have been doing to keep ourselves busy outside of work. 

11.00 PM

This is the time during which I can focus on my work. This rotation includes tasks such as reviewing marketing materials relating to various AMP Capital funds to ensure that the information being presented to investors is not misleading, or reviewing Non-Disclosure Agreements between AMP Capital and other entities. If I have any questions, I call the relevant person in my team or the stakeholder with who I am dealing so that I can fully understand the nature of the transaction.

1.00 PM

By this time (especially if the morning has been busy with work and meetings), I am pretty hungry. Another good thing about working from home is being able to cook a nice lunch and eat with my family! So I like to whip something up and if the weather is nice, enjoy the meal in the backyard. Today, I ate some leftovers from last night’s dinner – creamy chicken, bacon, mushroom carbonara, and garlic bread. Carb-heavy but delicious! While very satisfied, I was definitely slipping into a food coma so I went for a nice walk around the block because the weather was beautiful and sunny. 

2.00 PM

Having reviewed some marketing materials being distributed to investors, I attend my team’s marketing meeting. The meeting is held 3 times a week to go through any marketing requests with senior lawyers in the team who can provide advice on any issues that I have identified with the materials. Today there are a few outstanding requests, and once I have gone through them with the team, I respond to the stakeholders with our queries and comments.

4.00 PM

I am a member of the Grad Social Club which was put together to organize different social events for the AMP grads to keep in touch with each other. As we have not been allowed to go into the office, we have planned several virtual events such as trivia. This afternoon, the virtual activity we have planned is Grad BINGO, where the cards will be based on ‘embarrassing experiences that we have had as junior employees’. The submissions were made by different graduates and graduate managers – there are definitely have some funny and embarrassing experiences to learn about!

6.00 PM

Usually, I log off around this time after finishing off any necessary work before the weekend. It’s a long weekend this week, and even though we’re in lockdown, I think everyone is keen to relax! I send some final emails and log off. If the weather is still nice, I go for another walk or do a workout with some weights, and get some takeaway or cook a nice meal for dinner.